What is BPC 157?
Body Protection Compound (BPC 157) is a synthetic peptide derived from a naturally occurring protein in the body composed of 15 amino acids that are isolated from human gastric juice. BPC 157 accelerates the recovery of wounds, ligaments, tendons, and muscles by increasing vascular flow to the site of injury, promoting collagen production, and enhancing tissue repair mechanisms. This allows BPC 157 to enhance bone healing, promote cartilage repair, and accelerate nerve regeneration.
It also can modulate the body's immune response by inhibiting inflammatory processes to protect against tissue damage. BPC 157 has been used to treat many GI conditions by improving the gut lining.
Who can benefit from BPC 157 injections?
Anyone looking to enhance body recovery is a candidate for BPC 157. BPC 157 injections will improve your body's ability to train and support wellness & longevity simultaneously.
Musculoskeletal Injuries: leads tissue repair and regeneration. BPC 157 helps healing/recovery for tendon, ligament, and muscle injuries while improving joint health and cartilage repair.
Athletes and Sports Injuries: BPC 157 may inhibit the inflammatory responses to increase the rate of recovery for athletes.
Gastrointestinal (GI) Disorders: BPC 157 helps reduce inflammation, promote gut lining repair, and improve overall GI health.